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Investment Principles


Principle 1: Do No Harm


Completely avoid companies engaged in (or profit from) any immoral or evil activity:​

Violate the Sanctity of

Human Life


Violate the Sanctity of

Human Life


  • Involved in abortion or production of contraceptives 

Johnson & Johnson




  • Embryonic stem cell research or fetal tissue research​

Thermo Fisher


Agilent Technologies


  • Corporate giving to Planned Parenthood








Violate Human Dignity

Controversial Arms Production

  • Producers and distributors of  pornography





  • Producers and distributors of marijuana

Canopy Growth




  • Sweatshops or poor working conditions

  • Discriminate based on race or gender



  • Includes land mines and nuclear weapons​


Lockheed Martin



  • Engaged in military contracts with oppressive regimes

The pillars of our process are grounded in the foundation of the cardinal virtues.


Prudence - Using right reason to make right decisions

  • A financial plan with a clear definition of your goals, that recommends the right strategies to help you achieve them

  • An investment policy that considers the risk you need, the risk you want, and the risk you can handle. Goals-based return targets and recommending the right securities for your particular objectives


Fortitude - The strength to see an action through

  • Having the courage to take appropriate risks that are necessary when dealing with an uncertain future


Justice - Action in right measure

  • Finding the right balance in allocating to various assets, savings goals, charitable giving, and other goals


Temperance - Self-mastery

  • Maintaining the discipline to persevere with a reasoned financial and investment plan crafted for the long-term

  • Avoiding the temptation to chase returns, speculate on inappropriate risks, or spend beyond your means   â€‹


The pillars of our process are grounded in the foundation of the cardinal virtues.


Prudence - Using right reason to make right decisions

  • A financial plan with a clear definition of your goals, that recommends the right strategies to help you achieve them

  • An investment policy that considers the risk you need, the risk you want, and the risk you can handle. Goals-based return targets and recommending the right securities for your particular objectives


Fortitude - The strength to see an action through

  • Having the courage to take appropriate risks that are necessary when dealing with an uncertain future


Justice - Action in right measure

  • Finding the right balance in allocating to various assets, savings goals, charitable giving, and other goals


Temperance - Self-mastery

  • Maintaining the discipline to persevere with a reasoned financial and investment plan crafted for the long-term

  • Avoiding the temptation to chase returns, speculate on inappropriate risks, or spend beyond your means   â€‹


The pillars of our process are grounded in the foundation of the cardinal virtues.


Prudence - Using right reason to make right decisions

  • A financial plan with a clear definition of your goals, that recommends the right strategies to help you achieve them

  • An investment policy that considers the risk you need, the risk you want, and the risk you can handle. Goals-based return targets and recommending the right securities for your particular objectives


Fortitude - The strength to see an action through

  • Having the courage to take appropriate risks that are necessary when dealing with an uncertain future


Justice - Action in right measure

  • Finding the right balance in allocating to various assets, savings goals, charitable giving, and other goals


Temperance - Self-mastery

  • Maintaining the discipline to persevere with a reasoned financial and investment plan crafted for the long-term

  • Avoiding the temptation to chase returns, speculate on inappropriate risks, or spend beyond your means   â€‹


The pillars of our process are grounded in the foundation of the cardinal virtues.


Prudence - Using right reason to make right decisions

  • A financial plan with a clear definition of your goals, that recommends the right strategies to help you achieve them

  • An investment policy that considers the risk you need, the risk you want, and the risk you can handle. Goals-based return targets and recommending the right securities for your particular objectives


Fortitude - The strength to see an action through

  • Having the courage to take appropriate risks that are necessary when dealing with an uncertain future


Justice - Action in right measure

  • Finding the right balance in allocating to various assets, savings goals, charitable giving, and other goals


Temperance - Self-mastery

  • Maintaining the discipline to persevere with a reasoned financial and investment plan crafted for the long-term

  • Avoiding the temptation to chase returns, speculate on inappropriate risks, or spend beyond your means   â€‹


Our framework for the investment process is grounded on the pillars of being:


Principled, Purposeful, and Prudent




Adhering to your moral and ethical principles is a two-step process: 

  1. Excluding investments that contradict those principles.

  2. Finding and including those that reinforce them.


We conduct rigorous screening of every investment to ensure the business they conduct aligns with your morals, and values.




We define success in investing by the degree to which you meet or exceed your financial goals.


Investing with purpose begins with knowing you, your goals, and developing a clear understanding of risk. Every investment must be suitable for you and move you closer to your goals.





Our structured investment process begins with prudence: applying investment principles systematically to make wise decisions.


Risk management and a focus on quality are key to achieving consistent investment results that will help you reach your goals. 


Our framework for the investment process is grounded on the pillars of being:


Principled, Purposeful, and Prudent




Adhering to your moral and ethical principles is a two-step process: 

  1. Excluding investments that contradict those principles.

  2. Finding and including those that reinforce them.


We conduct rigorous screening of every investment to ensure the business they conduct aligns with your morals, and values.




We define success in investing by the degree to which you meet or exceed your financial goals.


Investing with purpose begins with knowing you, your goals, and developing a clear understanding of risk. Every investment must be suitable for you and move you closer to your goals.





Our structured investment process begins with prudence: applying investment principles systematically to make wise decisions.


Risk management and a focus on quality are key to achieving consistent investment results that will help you reach your goals. 


Principle 2: Promote the Good

Find companies who are doing good things:


  • Pursue Economic Justice

    • Fair compensation for their workforce, and good working conditions


  • Environmental Stewardship

    • Companies who are mitigating or managing their pollutants responsibly


  • Corporate Responsibility

    • Companies who give back to the community, promote peace, protect and defend workers rights


  • Contribute to Human Flourishing

    • Find companies whose work improves our lives


Principle 3: Prudence as a Guiding Virtue



Investing is more about managing risks than returns. 


Prudent financial advice takes all factors into account, and should be

a custom fit for each investor.


Have a plan, stay disciplined, be informed, and be a 

good steward of your money.


Our framework for the investment process is grounded on the pillars of being:


Principled, Purposeful, and Prudent




Adhering to your moral and ethical principles is a two-step process: 

  1. Excluding investments that contradict those principles.

  2. Finding and including those that reinforce them.


We conduct rigorous screening of every investment to ensure the business they conduct aligns with your morals, and values.




We define success in investing by the degree to which you meet or exceed your financial goals.


Investing with purpose begins with knowing you, your goals, and developing a clear understanding of risk. Every investment must be suitable for you and move you closer to your goals.





Our structured investment process begins with prudence: applying investment principles systematically to make wise decisions.


Risk management and a focus on quality are key to achieving consistent investment results that will help you reach your goals. 


The pillars of our process are grounded in the foundation of the cardinal virtues.



The prudent person thinks clearly, plans for uncertainties, and uses reason to make wise decisions. A prudent investment portfolio strikes the right balance of risk and opportunity for your goals and circumstances. A prudent financial plan prepares you for the risks you face with strategies to overcome them.

  • Saving well, investing wisely, preparing for life's uncertainties



Justice is about the responsibility we have to our family and community. Supporting our family with responsible spending, caring for their needs to enable them to flourish. We support our community by giving our time and money. Justice is also about promoting the common good and living as responsible citizens. We do this by investing responsibly, according to our values.

  • Caring for your family, giving generously to your community, investing responsibly



Our emotions have a habit of leading to poor financial decisions. Poor cash flow management from impulsive or emotional spending can lead to a crushing debt burden. Chasing returns and the fear of missing out can lead to taking on too much risk, and neglecting appropriate diversification. Temperance is exercising the restraint and self-mastery to avoid these mistakes. 

  • Maintaining the discipline to persevere with a financial plan and avoid investment mistakes



We face numerous risks and uncertainties in our financial lives. We must determine which to avoid, which to accept, and which to insure. Implementing a plan takes courage. Accepting those risks that are prudent and worthwhile can be intimidating. Having the courage to carry out and remain faithful to a plan is a key aspect of living virtuously with your finances.

  • The courage to take appropriate risks to achieve your goals

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